Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We remember this day in US History

December 31, 1968

Bloodiest year of the war ends

The bloodiest year of the war comes to an end. At year's end, 536,040 American servicemen were stationed in Vietnam, an increase of over 50,000 from 1967.
Estimates from Headquarters U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam indicated that 181,150 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese were killed during the year. However, Allied losses were also up: 27,915 South Vietnamese, 14,584 Americans (a 56 percent increase over 1967), and 979 South Koreans, Australians, New Zealanders, and Thais were reported killed during 1968. Since January 1961, more than 31,000 U.S. servicemen had been killed in Vietnam and over 200,000 U.S. personnel had been wounded.
Contributing to the high casualty number was the Tet Offensive launched by the communists. Conducted in the early weeks of the year, it was a crushing military defeat for the communists, but the size and scope of the attacks caught the American and South Vietnamese allies completely by surprise. The early reporting of a smashing communist victory went largely uncorrected in the media and this led to a psychological victory for the communists. The heavy U.S. casualties incurred during the offensive coupled with the disillusionment over the earlier overly optimistic reports of progress in the war accelerated the growing disenchantment with President Johnson's conduct of the war. Johnson, frustrated with his inability to reach a solution in Vietnam, announced on March 31, 1968, that he would neither seek nor accept the Democratic nomination for president. Johnson's announcement did not dampen the wave of antiwar protests that climaxed with the bloody confrontation between protesters and police outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo

Happy Xmas
  (happy xmas kyoko
Happy xmas julian)

So this is xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very merry xmas
And a happy new year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

And so this is xmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy xmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let’s stop all the fight

A very merry xmas
And a happy new year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

And so this is xmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so happy xmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very merry xmas
And a happy new year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now

Happy xmas

John Lennon                                                                                 

Monday, December 7, 2009

3er Aniversario de Radio Movimiento y Celebración de la Revolución Mexicana

Por: Licos
Woodburn, OR. Sábado 21 de noviembre, 2009.
Con motivo del 3er aniversario de 95.9 FM Radio Movimiento “La voz del pueblo” KPCUN-LP y del 99º aniversario de la Revolución Mexicana, se llevo a cabo una celebración en las instalaciones de PCUN para conmemorar ambos acontecimientos.
La fiesta dio comienzo al medio día con la presentación de la Secundaria French Prairecon un baile tradicional otorgándosele un reconocimiento por su participación. Acto seguido una niña representando a la Primaria Nelly Muir, leyó una composición referente a la revolución mexicana, ilustrando al público de los hechos que se estaban celebrando. Después tocó el turno al ballet favorito de Oregon, el Ballet Papalotl dirigido por la maestraKenia Márquez-Hyde, que además de lucir bellos trajes regionales presentó con gran técnica sus números siendo de lo más sobre saliente de la tarde. Este ballet es reconocido por su integrantes quienes en su mayoría son niños y fue homenajeado con un reconocimiento por su participación y premiado con el aplauso del público.
Durante los intermedios los locutores regalaron discos, bolsas con productos y animaron a los asistentes así también invitaron a los radio escuchas a seguir sintonizando y apoyando a la estación.
Continuando con el programa el Pentathlon Militarizado Universitario de EEUU hizo despliegue de marcialidad al escoltar las banderas del Pentathlon, de Estados Unidos y de México dignamente mientras la delegación del Consulado de México en Portland, dirigida por el ministro Enrique A. Romero Cuevas, oficializaba el evento y conducía la entonación del himno nacional mexicano.
Una vez concluidos los honores a las banderas el espectáculo continúo con la presentación del ballet folclórico Alma de México que no se quedo atrás al presentar varias estampas con mucha gracia y aderezadas con el talento de los tres Mendoza, famosos charros floreadores en la región.
Una vez concluido el baile integrantes de PCUN-Radio Movimiento dirigieron unas palabras al auditorio agradeciendo e invitando a luchar por los derechos de los campesinos y de los trabajadores, a apoyar a la institución y a participar en actividades comunitarias, siendo un excelente ejemplo la labor llevada por los PCUNcitos (grupo infantil de locutores y voluntarios).
Por último y para cerrar con broche de oro, hicieron su aparición los Diablitos de San Mateo Tunuchi presentando su afamada danza y sus impresionantes mascaras que tanto desatan la risa y el llanto de los niños y el asombro de los mayores. Los diablitos con desenfado bailaron alegremente y al concluir su intervención, PCUN y Revista El Gallo les otorgo un reconocimiento por su destacada participación no solo en esta fiesta sino también por su larga trayectoria desde su fundación.
Revista El Gallo agradece a todos los participantes por su apoyo y reconoce su talento y voluntad para hacer posible este evento. También damos las gracias al Restaurante Casa Márquez por el soporte y a toda la gente de PCUN que nos permitió colaborar.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

september the 19th mexican indepence day in woodburn oregon

november the 21st, in woodburn oregon

1.    Give your country more than your life is worth.
2.    Do not try to be the lesser of two evils: always try to be the best of the best.
3.    Remember that the defects of others do not make you a better person, neither do they excuse your ignorance.
4.    Your worth is not in your possesions but in what you do.
5.    Richness does not come by being surrounded by poverty, neither does knowledge come from being surrounced by ignorance, nor does virtue come from being surrounded by wickedness, nor does your strength come from the weakness around you.  Your worth will be authentic when you omit the negative aspects around you in order to establish your own references of value.
6.    When the true successes of the people around you give you joy, admit that there is nobility within yourself.
7.    Act as if everything depends upon you; fight as if only you had to win, work as if you were the only employee, think and act as if you where the best.  And do all of this not to be a hero but rather as if it were your duty.
8.    It is not pretty works and phrases that will save the country, but the great ideals and the great permanent works that they build, prefer to be a valuable and good worker over an elegant speaker.
9.    If you have accomplised something great, be happy but don’t forget that others can do it better than you.
10. Do not wait for someone else to execute your work.
11. If you have a position of heirarchy for what you have done, to maintain it with honor, think that you have accomplished nothing yet.
12. Do not forge your character by eluding obstacles but by overcoming them.
13. If you cannot resolve a situation with dignity and efficacy, ask for help from someone that knows more and that is more capable than you but don’t complicate matters with your pride or ineptitude.
14. Do not go looking for a good friend, try to be a good friend to everyone.
15. May your hands be strong and rough from working, but not rough from applauding powerful people.
16. Prefer the company of pigs and the air of the sewers than the company of despots, exploiters and their atmosphere of perfume.
17. If you command or lead, do not humiliate. If you obey, do not defraud. If you command, think. If you obey, think as well.
18. If your obligation as an animal is to grow, as is your obligation as a man or woman is to think, work, love, …don’t take satifaction in having a strong body, for there are other beasts far superior to you.
19. If you want to show off something, let it be your cleanliness and your good humor.
20. Respect the sincere opinions of others even if they differ from your own; but don’t hide or depreciate your own convictions.      
21. Do not let your good deeds be repugnant or repelling to others, do them without boasting or flaunting.  
22. Even when nobody is watching, behave with self respect without expecting to get any rewards for behaving with dignity.
23. Enhance your knowledge with joy, strength perservereance and apply these behaviors to the benefit of those that deserve them.
24. Try to be strong in the face of praise or in adversity, but direct your strength in the favor of justice.
25. Do not strive only in finding those that you need, try to discover those that can benefit from you.
26. Consider youself far from the ideal that you pursue if the misery and hunger of others doesn’t hurt you.
27. If you are enthusiastic to die like a hero, consider that your country needs victorious lives more than victorious deaths.  
28. Always fight for equality, but not for the equality that is submerged in obscurity and contrary to good principles. Rather fight for the highest and best expressions of humanity: justice, honor, work, culture and the forms of moral and aesthtic values.     
29. If your worth is authentic, it won’t be improved by boasting.
30.  Don’t look for gold or silver as payment for your work, rather seek the intimate acqusition of a better social position or intellect.
31.  Never be ashamed of having believed in the dignity of someone that did not have it.  The perverse and the unrepented are absolutes that only exist in pathology.
32. Do not spend your life like a parasitic weed that never gives fruit and always lives off of others.
33. Avoid ridiculing yourself by thinking that you’re indispensible, but also do not think less of yourself or that you are useless.
34. It is easy to bring together cowards, unpleasent people, and unhappy people for negative reasons, don’t flatter yourself that you can do it, because anyone can, but fill yourself with the safisfaction of conserving the union and harmony and peace for positive reasons, even with those that have different characteristics; this is singular and deserves merit.
35. Be happy without lowering yourself, courteous without exagerating, cultured without pedantery, valiant with no fear, simple, enthusiastic and strong without showing off.
36. Have faith in your endeavors, and perservere in them with confidence to make them a reality.  Add any successes to the strength of your efforts, make a note of any failure in the catalogue of your experiences, but never renounce your task neither make it less with your lack of motivation.       
37. If your ancestors give you traditions of glory and honor, it is your duty to correspond in a way that will not decrease, diminish nor blemish such traditions. If they give you the legacy of misery and ruin, your duty is to do what they were unable to do and the part that corresponds to you.      
38. Try to adjust your best intentions with the reality of your life; follow the examples of those that do well before delighting in the musings of theory.
39. Act with generosity towards those that conduct themselves with dignity and that motivate healthy happiness, but be closed against gossip and prejudices.      
40. Nothing that exists is worthless, the macrocosm is made up of the smallest particles of energy. There is coordination, energy and bounty in everything. The smallest organism summarizes abysses of mystery that                 that keeps thought suspended tied to technique and unleashing fantasy. To admire the celestial mantle, it is improper to sink in the depths of profundity of a well. It is better to procure the heights of human virtue, to discover the worth of our equals, not only judge them for their faults, because they, like bacteria are illuminated by the sun and fed by the earth.      
41. Illuminate the meaning of your existence in the same way that an artist tries to infuse symphonies that surge from the forests that rise from the deserts or emerge from the abysmal depths shaken by the torrents, the voices of storms, the happiness of the breeze, the counter points of the waves, the arias of the serene waters, the petrified hymnals of the mountains that rise to the sky and when like the artist, you accomplish this, you will perceive and comprehend that your life does not lack meaning.
42. Try to make your thoughts like the air of the mountains, ample, pure, and benevolent for all.

This document was translated from the original Spanish to English by:  
Colleen nevins
Renee Harger
Jose Bernal

The contents of this blog are copyright.  No reproduction is authorized without permission from the authors.

What is the pentalogo?

The pentalogo is a set of basic norms of conduct of every pentathleta that is imperatively obliged to carry out.
1.    I will love my country with integrity and respect and I will make it greater with everything that I do, with all the acts of my life.
2.    I will honor , the pentathlon valuing knowledge, good example and constancy.
3.    I will be loyal to my flag emblematic of my country; I will never allow disrespect, offering my life as warranty.
4.    I will not talk or show discontet or allow others to talk in detriment of my group.
5.    I will make my worth as a man or woman that works, that loves, and that thinks, as contribution to the greatness of my country.

Who are we?


The pentathlon is a youth organization at the national level in Mexico that was founded in 1938 with the firm pupose that each and every member pursue constant self-development with the goal being to reach the supreme end that this institution pursues:  the greatness of country.     
The pentathlon is a school of character and civic formation that will establish strong connections between all its members.
It is called pentathlon for its five disciplines or basic sports that are practiced; it is athletic for employing sports as a tool to develop a healthy mind and a healthy body.  It is militarized for the military model that it follows:  obedience, order, and discipline.
Finally it is academic because the founders were students of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and also for the open yet critical mentality of the university culture.

At six o’clock in the morning of July 9, 1938 on a street near the national stadium of the Universidad Nacional de México (UNAM), 12 students from the faculty of medicine formed the Pentathlón driven by common frustrations prevalant in their generation:  selfishness, egoism, lack of ideals, apathy, and pedantry (this according to the official story of the foundation.)
They wanted to gather the best volunteers with the purpose of building a “prosperous, free, and spiritually strong country (idem.).
The founders of the institution initially called “Pentathlón Deportivo Militar Universitsrio” were: Jorge Jiménez Cantú (primer comandante y principal ideólogo), »Andrés Luna Castro, »Luís Sáenz Arroyo, »Alfonso de Icaza e Icaza, »Ginés Navarro Díaz de León, »Fidel Ruiz Moreno, »José Urbano Blanchet Ceceña, »Ángel Pérez Aragón, »Joaquín de la Torre, »Braulio Peralta Rodríguez, »Carlos Retteg Solano y »Carlos Niño de Rivera, also the first instructor teniente Lieutenant Gonzalo Hidalgo of the Mexican Army.

They practiced every day, early in the morning, and their example soon spread all over México.
In 1939, one year after it was founded, the Pentatlón Deportivo Militarizo Universitario (PDMU) already had a presence in the states of México, Puebla, Querétero, Jalisco, and Coahuila, with groups of young men desiring to better their physical condition by way of a sports culture that will better their health, agility, strength and resistance.  The initiators accepted their self discipline voluntarily. It was with a military character that they learned to obey and to command.


In a blue field bordered by a line of pearly gray, a double headed golden eagle rests over five pointed stars, and on the breast of the eagle is a shield divided diagonally into green, white, and red.  The pearl grey border signifies purity of intention framed by human ideals: the supreme ideals as a final goal in the conquest of spiritual well being represented by truth and beauty, for universal brotherhood and justice; natural resources that when taken advantage of and transformed by people through organization must be distributed efficiently and equally.
The blue stands for loyalty towards these goals: freedom of action and thought; penetration of the mind into the mysteries of time and space. It symbolizes in itself the magnanimity of these aspirations of the soul.
The golden eagle rests against
The golden the golden eagle stands out against the blue backdrop the blue backdrop symbolizing the honor and strength of the highest moral quality of youth activities.
The two-headed eagle is symbolic, first as the national eagle and the UNAM eagle united in a single body, and  secondly symbolizes reason and faith; the emotion of intellect, cognitive capabilies and emotive strength. The firm spread wings indicate ascending flight, vertical energy, discipline, order, and direction.
escudoficial_guionThe shield has the colors of the Mexican flag, love of country that nurtures and purifies. It encompasses our traditions and our geography, our dignity and our heroic country of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The claws symbolize combative stength and capacity, and creative capacity: stength in triumph or failure.
Below the eagle’s claws shine five five-pointed stars that rise together inseperable and in harmony with the flight of the eagle. The five points of the “Pentalogo” symbolize the general norms of the Pentathlon youth. 
This document was translated from the original Spanish to English by:  
Colleen Nevins
Renee Harger
Jose Bernal